Latest News
Released Version 3.10.4
10 July 2018
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We have now released version 3.10.4.
This version contains the following changes:
- Fix issues with saving settings
To download the latest version of the app head to
Released Version 3.10.3
09 July 2018
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We have now released version 3.10.3.
This version contains the following changes:
- Memory fixes
- Update fixes
- Exception tracking fixes
To download the latest version of the app head to
Released Version 3.10.2
07 July 2018
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We have now released version 3.10.2.
This version contains the following changes:
- Update Exceptionless API Key
To download the latest version of the app head to
Released Version 3.10.1
06 July 2018
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We have now released version 3.10.1.
This version contains the following changes:
- Fix issue with remaining time not showing on bulk export
- Fix issue when remaining is over 24 hours
To download the latest version of the app head to
Released Version 3.10.0
05 July 2018
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We have now released version 3.10.0.
This version contains the following changes:
- Update Button Icons
- Fix font issues in settings
- Fix shortcut keys for right buttons
- Fix window resize on flyout opening
- Improve handling of failed updates
To download the latest version of the app head to